Nueva York Small Business Owner Highlight

Janna Rodriguez siempre ha sido una líder activa en su comunidad—cuando tenía 16 años, ella comenzó a trabajar como voluntaria en campañas políticas, desde la junta escolar de su localidad hasta las elecciones presidenciales. En 2018, su espíritu emprendedor la llevó a establecer Innovative Daycare Corp. en Long Island, Nueva York. Su misión es asegurar que los niños de minorías en su comunidad tengan los recursos y privilegios que tienen los niños en otras comunidades.

Nueva York Events

viernes, mayo 10, 2024 | 3:00pm ET

Small business owners often don’t have the resources or legal expertise to fend off the anti-competitive tactics found in concentrated industries.

Webinar | National
martes, mayo 28, 2024 | 2:30pm ET

Since its inception more than 70 years ago, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) has helped millions of small businesses across the country access the capital and resources needed to thrive and grow.

Workshop | National

Nueva York Research

Mon, 04/21/2014

New York small business owners are still recovering from the Great Recession and doing everything they can to fortify their businesses, and with them, the economy. In order to grow and thrive, entrepreneurs need smart policies that help bolster their bottom lines and fuel the consumer demand that underpins economic success. They believe increasing the minimum wage will do this, and support granting cities and counties the authority to set higher minimum wages above the state level.

Mon, 12/16/2013

Small business owners in the Empire State have been working tirelessly to pull the state’s economy back from the brink of the Great Recession. The long hours and commitment they put into their businesses are rivaled only by their employees, whose hard work is crucial to the success of the business. That’s why New York small business owners feel it makes good business sense to take care of their employees, as it’s crucial they retain a loyal, talented workforce.